zaterdag 19 juni 2010

Ultramarines movie: design a standard competition

Should be studying, but I care more about doing this (and you never know, i might just win if the other entries are crap)

Short background: there is a Warhammer 40k movie in the making called "Ultramarines". It is still in it's early stages (they recently released a trailer) but they are holding a competition: design a standard for one of the space marines Chapters (chapter banner or company banner). Since you could use your own Chapter, and I don't wanna just rip off the existing ones, I'm making a banner for my own chapter which has had a lot of names going from Swords of Valdor(medieval with ancient greek influences) to the Bronze Legion (plain greek). For this competition i'm going with the Swords of Valdor's third company (with my favourite squad, Hellada (2nd tactical squad) ).
The idea is to combine futuristic elements with medieval elements: their will be a more-or-less futuristic border and futuristic heraldry-shields on the lower part. The central imagewill be medieval: a stone wall background with a subtil roman 3 (III) in it, with a stained glass rose-window with a decorative pattern and the company's crossed swords symbol. Below the rose-window will be a banner pierced to the wall with the chapter's name on it. Some random decorative elements will probably be added on certain places over the banner.

This is what i have so far:
The colors are a lot better on the Macbook on which i'm making it (pc got reformatted --> no photoshop). I hope I can find a way to keep the original colours :/
Note: everything is done with a Wacom. I may have used guides to figure out where things should go and to help me get straight lines, but i didnt just like put some standard squares on it or so. All manual :)

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